Welcome to the Virtual Office of the Schools Division of the City of Batac (SDCB)!

This website is designed to provide easy access to information about the Department of Education, in general, and the SDCB, in particular.

The SDCB continues to intensify its commitment in fulfilling its mandate to provide quality, relevant and accessible education to all the children of the City of Batac.

As can be gleaned from the lyrics of its march, DepEd Batac, Agtayaktak:

Sursuro ken adal a nasudi
Laing ken sirib ket iburay mi
Ti nasayaat a kababalin
Ipangpangruna mi iti amin.

We aim to produce graduates who are not only academically equipped with knowledge and skills but more of the necessary values and attitudes for them to become productive assets of the community.

Let us then continue to share vital information as we accomplish our noble mission.


Schools Division Superintendent